The Gift of Detox

The Gift of Detox
This is very important to me because it has affected my health to such a significant degree. I needed to detox because I have exposed my body to a number of terrible things. Heavy metals from Dental work(lots of dental work) all of my back teeth were filled before I was 20 years old. So I had mercury in my mouth from 12 on. In my 40s I also had fillings that broke down and made me sick as well as probably adding a huge amount of mercury to my brain and the rest of my body. That I survived is just another miracle in my life.
I have spent the last 5 years getting myself detoxed. I also struggled with dental infections most of my life and gum disease. I feel better in my 50s then I did in my 40’s and that is a very wonderful thing.

Water is key in detox you need lots of it. At the very least 8 8oz glasses a day.
That is probably the most significant source but I ate bread with GMO grains and probably have a load of glycosate that also needed to be detoxed. Most people have a greater load then I do because I have eaten very little processed food for the last 20 years. I grew up in a pretty clean environment on the Oregon coast with a mom that canned most of her own food. We ate mostly organic growing up. Much harder to do now because we are awash in toxins.

I have really good soil now but I know that I will have to start over again hopefully this year and I plan to help the ground where I move. Growing your own food is a great way to help yourself detox. There are more really wonderful organic farms available now as well.
What I have done. I have done dietary change in that when I wished to help my liver while fighting Hepetitis A. I did a veggie only diet for a week. So lots of Swiss chard, broccoli, cabbage, onions, garlic, and golden Milk. My sister made me up some golden milk which is coconut milk heated with tumeric. The tumeric is much better absorbed by the addition of fat.
I eat more herbs then ever before and citrus has become a big part of my plan for detox. Glutothione is a really wonderful anti-oxident that helps with detox and I have taken it in pill form but also added it to my diet through grapefruit. I wish to keep really good foods part of my diet so that I am continually helping my system free itself of heavy metals and other toxins.
A key here also is to make sure that you are putting minerals and vitamins back in during a detox because some of the things you use to detox can bind vital nutrients like magnesium and pull them out of your system as well. Chlorella and Spirulina are seaweeds that you can take to help detox and they are also high in mineral content as are most seaweeds.
I make a salad with cabbage, tomatoes, cilantro, bell or other sweet pepper, lemon, onion, garlic, lemon and lime juice. This I eat almost weekly. I make it up put what is left after eating a big bowl full in the refrigerator. Then eat it throughout the week with organic non-GMO corn, or multigrain chips.

Parasites are part of the equation when it comes to detox because they tend to take over when your system is down. I also spent time in a third world country last summer and picked up who knows what. So part of the program has been to do a parasite cleanse.
I started with the very inexpensive and easy protocol of food grade diatomaceous earth 1 tablespoon in a quart of water first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening for a week. (You should understand that it is common for me to sit down first thing in the morning and drink a quart of water in about 15 minutes). If that is not something you are used to take a little longer or build up to it slowly.

I then took a week off and went to a salt cleanse with celtic sea salt for a week. The cleanse is very much the same protocal morning and night.
One more detox for the parasites I am still working on is a herbal mix.

I also have done a parasite cleanse with Renew Life PARA Smart. The ingredient list is long so I am hoping that it will cover most of the parasites. I have had my program interrupted by life a few times. Hopefully I have them all killed and have not picked up any new ones. I think doing it as an annual thing is probably a good idea.

I have at least three I wish to try. The first is from Dr. Edward Group and associates, it is called paratrex and I like the mix
Next and I do mean next because I figure that I will do this at least once a year for the rest of my life. Paracomplete Memosa Pudica

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